my dad lost his phone. AGAIN. it's like the 3rd time he's lost his phone this year.
ISO, Jann, Chris and I went to the library (AIR CON!) and did our ISO work. Apparantly Chris was searching for a "Squashed" picture to put into the brochure but she got a lot of other weird pictures. like a squashed squirrel!? which was utterly gross. yucks :/ anyway, after that was Geog, and then Math. then it was recess? and then LA, and then History. SWAT WON THE VOTING SESSION! :D thanks to Grace, Clare, Mhwang and Placida for making the posters and Grace especially for being such a good speaker! HAHA, clean toilet paper :D
then it was Physics. Deb, Violette and I were in one group doing experiments about electricity. then it was training, which Claire led. it was quite fun :D
GMSS Match tomorrow. wish us luck.
GOSH, now the Friendster thing says Ipod Apple instead of BMW whatever. ARGH.