from super long ago. this was during the june hols, before viv migrated to Canada.

anyway today i'm actually supposed to be going for training. but i'm on medication, and i'm excused. but i'm feeling much better. i even stopped going to the toilet so often :P haha. OH! and there's this super random MEP worksheet that was handed out last week:

Air On G String
i only remembered the worksheet now, because tiff and i were listening to sherri complain about how she will not survive MEP tomorrow; and her plans to knock herself out/drink salted ice cubes so that she can sleep/die and miss MEP, then somehow miraculously wake up on friday. note to sherri: if you really want to do that, wake up on saturday. then you get to miss history test as well! :D
oh! we have new seating arrangements for the term! bye sherri, my fantastic deskpartner :( you have been oh-so-fun to sit with, entertaining me with your random comments, haha! :D now i'm sitting with clare fong! YAY :D so fun! :D & i gotta go do the new seating arrangement on ppt. i'm going to edit everything, and if you want your "captions" to be changed please tell me :)
okay :D
i'd better go mug.