Founder's Day!
Woke up at 6.45 again :S But i slept really early like about 10+ yesterday, so i felt less tired :D Anyway, went to school. When i was in class putting down my bag, suddenly Megan rushed in, and chased Trisha out. Scared me xD Well, since the class was so empty [again], me and Manda went around visiting people :D
In 2S, Wheels and Mich Dieu were throwing this newspaper ball around. Apparantly their teacher deflated the beach ball and didnt allow them to play with it :( So i went to 2I. Buttside wasnt there :( So i went to 2D. Megan was done chasing Trisha and was reading this Princess Diaries (?!) book xD
Then we visited 2E. Nat and Angie were there, and Angie was showing us her DRESS. [Yes, it's the nice small black one] The dress had only one strap! :O So AHEMSEXYAHEM Angela!! xD Haha :D Well, then suddenly Mrs Chew came in and gave us a shock. Haha :D
Mrs Chew: Who isnt here today?
2E: Janell Tan
Mrs Chew: Is she late or sick?
Evey: Sick.
& It turned out Janell Tan was really really late, and not sick. She missed the WHOLE of assembly and the parade :/ Since she was so late, she ended up having no seats. So she sat beside me :(((( [Haha joking, I love you Jantan! :D] Mich, Manda and i were all so bored, we decided to play "Find the Name in the Programme Booklet". Anyway, i lost all the time :( Too slow.
Anyway, after the entire thing the Sec 2s went to KFC for lunch :D Ate, went back and got ready for training. Start of training was this super long talk by Miss Chua. Miss Tan didnt come today, for some reason. Well, and then we only ran 3 rounds! :D Haha, and today's training was quite fun, except my batting really sucked. I kept slugging the ball x( And giving in walks. ARGH.
Claire was soo nice to bake the team chocolate muffins today! Thanks Claire :D
Since we got into Semis, we are playing TKGS [Again :(] tomorrow at Turf City. So cool! :D But that means we only have to leave class at 12.30 :( But thats kinda good cos it means i dont have to worry about when Bio Test will end.