YAY! i found out that i can use Friendster to upload my pictures instead of using Photo Bucket. (Okay, fine. I'm quite slow) So i'm going to put up all the pictures! :D Friendster's a much better photo uploading thing than Photo Bucket anyway.

I kinda miss YEAH 07 :D It was quite fun. Haha, we "stole" the nice daisies from the Snapple bottles :D But i didnt take one daisy cos the nicer ones were taken already :(
Birthday pictures from long ago! :D

Truckloads of Love :) Softies + Manda :D

Shi,me,Buttside,Beckside,Angie,Wheels :D

Cousins! Alethea, sis, me :)
other random things:

MOOSE! :D (thanks char :D)

My correction tape; But it ran out already :(

Weird and random picture of Buttside. During Sec 2 Camp? Yeah. She was wearing her weird Scuba Shoes :D
Oh! Thanks to Angie's Dad for treating us to Hot Dogs, fishballs, Pork Floss buns and Ice Lemon Tea :D And thanks to Buttside for baking Shepards Pie for me and Beckside :D I dont think it induces diarrhoea, Butt. It was tasty though :D
Bored, but yet I have lots to do.
Oh, the irony.