The 2nd Day of E-Learning
Oh, the terrors. I must complete everything today, including all the tests and all that :S How terrible. Well. I think I'd better start some work now.
Sleeping from 1 to 11 feels good :D
Spent the whole morning [Of 1 hour xD] watching TV. Haha, cos there was this super whacko show, called Grand Mother's Day or something like that. Which was extremely spastic.

I feel like eating Meiji's Nata De Coco Yoghurt.
Well anyway. Today there's no one home! :D Cos my Grandma is going for her line dancing, my Dad is going to work [There's some concert today] and my Mom is away for King and I. Whoopie :D So we get to eat Cheese Maccoroni for dinner :D And tomorrow we might go to our cousin's house for awhile or something like that :D Heh. So fun.
But for now, I'd better start on my E-Learning :)
Oh! Watch this. It's awsomely cool :D The effects and everything.
& Everybody's gonna love today