Manda and Deb tagged me :D
Each player starts off by naming ten weird habits or facts about one's self. At the end, tag six friends and they'll have to do the same too. No tagging back.
1. I don't really like to eat chocolates
2. I drip ice cream everywhere :S
3. My toes were rolled over by a car [my mom drove] before :/
4. I like my current DP picture [on MSN]
5. I wake up around 6.50 on school days
6. I love striped blue socks :D
7. I don't know how to dramatise the soliloquy [for LA]
8. My name is James :))
9. I have two other brothers, and we are triplets :D
10. I don't take THAT long to bathe [AHEM MANDA]
Five people:
1. MHWANG! :D [chance to revive your dead blog]
2. Delane
3. Megan!
4. Sherri
6. Buttside :))
Today was so fun! :D
Jan and Chris came over early in the morning to work on our ISO Project.

Our model; Not completed yet.

Well, we made the outline and everything for our model, but we are still in the midst of paper mache-ing everything :D So fun. Well, anyway. Chris and Jan stayed till about 4+, then Chris and i walked about the estate for fun while waiting for her dad to come and pick her up.
Ordered pizza for dinner, and ate at 5.30! :O So early. We had two pizzas, Summer Choice and Ocean Delite :D Summer Choice was much nicer :D Even though there were tomatoes in it.
You're gonna be the one that saves me;