Haha, I cannot wait for Be Yourself Day next Friday. It's going to be sooo fun!
Megan's going to dress up as Buttercup. Haha! And I'm going to be one of the MIB along with the rest of the class! :D WOOOH. GO 2T.
I'm going to bring a H2O Pistol and shoot Buttercup with it. Hah! :D

Catch the showdown next Friday, 31st August! :D
Haha, Megan wants us to go galavanting in Orchard Road in our costumes after BYD. And take many many ridiculous pictures. Heh. It's going to be so fun! :D But I don't know if my Mom will allow it :/
Nevertheless, it's going to be quite fun! :D Heh. Can't wait for BYD! :D
Morning. Rushed to find Butt for her locker. Then I couldn't find her in her class. So I ran out to find her near the lockers. Then she suddenly appeared from the staircase. So I quickly asked her to open her locker [About time for assembly]. Then she walked to the locker and flipped it open. GRAH. So it wasn't locked in the first place. Woah, I'm such a loser.
Well anyway, lessons were fine :D
HCL, Math. MEP I got back my test results. And I failed, cos I lost 8 marks for Word Setting. Apparantly I did the accenting stuff wrong :/ ARGH. Well, never mind. What's over is over. So anyway, during MEP Roxanne came up with a terrible idea for BYD.
Roxanne: Why don't we go to school naked!
Suat: Oh yeah! They didn't say we couldn't come naked
Recess! Then it was Bio in the LT. Next lesson we are going to learn about STDs. Weeli told me today that we might watch a really gruesome video on abortion. LA was fine.
Went to KAP for lunch with Angie, Nat, Megan, Shi, Joan and Priss. Apparantly Butt had some PW/Computer Studies thing to do, Mich was going for hospital appointment [Check-up], and Wheels & Bel didn't want to go [Too lazy, tsk]. Well, then after lunch we walked back and went in to the Audi for briefing.
Got sabo-ed. But thank goodness I didn't have to play :P
Jamie saved my life! :D Heh.
Manda and Deb are coming over tomorrow for lunch! :D And Manda and I are going to the gym for NYAA again. So fun! :D I wonder what is for lunch. I'm feeling hungry.
Should I spike my hair for BYD? xD