A big Happy Teacher's Day to Mrs Ng, Mrs Gan, Lao Shi, Mrs Chen, Mrs Tang, Mrs Tong, Mr. Tay, Mrs Tan, Mrs Lam, Miss Su, Mrs Chan [PE], Mrs Chan[Art], Mrs Chan [MEP], Miss Koh [MEP relief teacher 1], Miss Koh [MEP relief teacher 2] and all my Pri School teachers.
I woke up at 5.40 today, and was the first to reach class! HAH. I beat Manda!!! :D Haha, anyway. So I changed in school. Cos I didn't want to walk up the slope in a tux. But in the end no one was walking up, which made me think I might be going to school too early. Like school only started at 8 or something :S But in the end I reached class at 6.30, and Manda came 5 mins later.
Megan Kuek, Manda, Deb, Sherri and all those who took pictures, I want them :D
Megan, Gail and Daphne dressed as guys. And Mich and Isabel were dressed as dentists. And Jantan, Rachel Choe and most of 2E were in PJs. Which was really cool. I like Rachel's Mr Bean teddy bear xD Alethea's class were dressed as nerds, 1S I think. 2M were superheros. Then Nicole Chan's class [Softball Senior] were mad scientists. And they wore labcoats and poofed up their hair.
Tiffy and Mchan geled Roxanne's, Maddy's and my hair. And we took many stupid photos, which I'll upload later.
I shook "Mr Presidents" xD hand. Deb told me never to wash my hand. Haha, but I already did. So cool. We won the Lower Sec Best Dressed! :D
And the 4 of us, Maddy, Clare, Roxanne! and me might be featured in the Newpaper! So AWESOME.
Thanks to all 2Teeians for being so sporting, tolerating my nonsense and me being so fussy!
Thanks, I really love you guys! :D
I love all you guys lots. Manda for being an awesome bestie since last year. Clare for being such a fantastic deskpartner, always there to hear me out, she's da bomb!. Maddy for being so understanding, Grace and Bea for being the two that add so much fun and humour in my life. Roxanne for being the Handsome #1, the famous artist and the Briyani partner. Deb for being so crazy, mehh! xD Cherry for being such a silly and amusing Class Chair. Violette my duet partner last year, for tolerating my mistakes everytime I practise. Sherri for being a hilarious ex-deskpartner xD And our dear RSE, Mhwang for being the Whale #1, Hairy Fairy #1, Smudge Queen, Rubber Ducky, "Teacher's Pet", my girlfriend/wife xD And being such a great friend!! Chris, Jan and Viv, for being fantastic ISO group mates. Chris, for being so high, Jan for every single effort, Viv for being such a great inspiration and great friend since last year. Suat for being funny, Yu and Sam for being the quiet way they are :) Mchan, the Class Tai Tai #1! :D Nicole Chee for being M'tutor, and the T, DT, TT starter. Anna for being such a responsible and wonderful Chinese deskpartner :D And Tiffy for her salesman voice. Shina for her extremely funny comments [And always switching flute time slots], and Vanessa for the water guns.
I thank each and every one of you guys, who have made my life 101% better just because you all existed. I'm glad God put you guys in my life, and I love you guys lots! :D
High school never ends!
I can't believe we are seperating next year :'/
I'm quite lazy to post pictures, so I'll do it later :D Oh man. Today was so awesome. 2T is the coolest class ever! :D
After BYD, I went to give the jellybeans to the teachers. Then Angie and Nat followed me home to change, cos my Mom doesn't allow me to wear my Dad's wedding tux out to Cathay :/ Anyway, we met Gail, Megan, Daphne there. And those two. Watched Hairspray! Which was quite good. Megan kept complaining that Zac Efron kissed the plump girl! Hahaha!
Then we ate at Burger King, where Megan, Gail and Daphne went off. DS were really boring, they never talked. Then finally everything was over. It wasn't even fun. Cos they didn't talk. Then Nat and Angie were acting up (?) Haha. Anyway, after that Angie and I MRT-ed and bus-ed home. Then the bus's aircon broke down (?!) And the bus uncle offered special express service, so we can be sent home asap. [To compensate for not having aircon]. So in the end I got home quite late.
It's only Sec 2, and I know I'm going to miss my class if we seperate next year. I'm going to miss you guys sooooooooo much! All the fun and laughter we shared. I can't imagine, if it were Sec 4, then I'll be missing MGS a whole lot more! :/
I love my Dad's tux. It's so comfy :))
How to save a life