Some random things:
1) My toe-cap fell out.
So now there's this GASPING hole in my boot. Which cant be sewn up anymore :( Means i might have to get new boots :( I like my old softball boots :/
2) I am coughing
Thanks to Angiepants, i think i caught her flu and cough from her xD Haha, but its okay. I think i'll be fine quite soon.
3) It's Friday today!!! :D
Friday = Free day! I love Fridays. Oh! And i cant wait for National Day and stuff like that :D There'll be holidays! :D
HCL, Math. Then it was MEP. THE DREADED MEP TEST. But it was quite fine, i suppose. Recess! Then Biology. Which Mr Tay taught us about the Digestive System.
Mr Tay: The rectum is like a bag, which stores...
Mich: SHIT!
Mr Tay: Don't say bad words! Say the F WORD.
Class: ?!
Mr Tay: Faeces!
:l O-kay.
LA was fun too. R&J again, but we werent looking at the text. We were talking about love, and our ideas about love. Haha, then Sherri was nicknamed the expert of i won't say what. HAHA :D Then for the rest of the double period, we talked about Favourtism of teachers. And Mrs Ng revealed that Hwang was her favourite, hahahhaha :D
Then i stayed back with the Softies to wait for 4.30 to come. So that we can get on the bus to TJC (?) for our Prize Presentation. So we went to the library and borrowed Butt's VCD, The Notebook. Then suddenly the librarian came in and scolded us, for bringing our own VCDs to watch. And we all were like: We arent allowed to?! Then she wanted to confiscate Butt's VCD, but she let us go cos we didnt know and Butt wasnt there. GOSH. Then, she told us that the library has movies too, and so she took our this booklet thing for us to choose. So we chose to watch the French Movie i watched for LangArts last year. The super freaky one with this girl who was obessed with the cardiologist, called He loves me, He loves me not. Go watch it. It's nice :D
We left at about 4+ to go to the concourse, where we cam-whored lots. Waiting for the pictures to upload. Well anyway, in the end, the bus driver FORGOT to come and we were waiting there for very long. Then Miss Su told us that we might not get to the Presentation on time, and might have to skip it, bring the medals to school and present in school. I was like, WHAT?! But in the end, the bus driver rushed us all there.
We were late, and the person said we had 4th when we got 3rd. Then everyone was so confused. But in the end we switched the medals with CGS, and got our rightful prize :D
Then we took more pictures with TKGS, Nanyang and CGS. The TK catcher kept telling Angie she was cute, pretty and everything :O Haha, Angie has another secret admirer, to add on to her 983749174916249106359126591238649812749217412642198472146659241274265921374th admirer. Haha :P
Went home after that, and studied for Chinese Ting Xie 2 which is not actually a Ting Xie at all
I love lao shi! She forgot to bring up our test papers, so the test is postponed till Monday. Then we talked about the ke wen, then digressed to lao shi's Secondary/JC/Uni life, and about streaming next year. I DON'T WANT 2T TO BE SPLIT UP! I LOVE YOU GUYS LOTS, AND I DON'T WANT TO TRADE CLASSES WITH ANYONE!! Anyway, the only one going for IP is Placida [at the moment] so thank goodness not all of our classmates are going off.
PE was fun! :D Softball! :D But too bad its only for 2 sessions, and i missed the last session last week [due to TKGS match which was eventually postponed] Also, its sad that we didnt get to use real balls and bats [for obvious reasons] We don't want everybody killing each other during PE. Well.
Recess! :D
Math, History. SS was funny, cos Mchan's group had to present and stuff, and they were all acting like repressed workers. And all that. Haha :)) Then GEL was interesting. We went down to the Pri Dance Studio to do some course (?) or some raising awareness about yourself and people thing by a guest speaker, Mrs Sim and Mrs Yap [VPs] and Rev Wendy Watson :D
Went home after that.
This is like the 1st time in 1 month [excluding Weekends] that i get to go home early after school.
Ate lunch with sister while watching Finding Nemo xD HAHA.

& i can't wait for National Day Holidays :D ISO Projects! Maybe Chris and Jan can stay over after constructing, then continue the next day :D
So exciting, the rest of the Softies went to watch the Maris Stella boys play today while i was home! [Miss Chua and Miss Tan also coaches Pri School kids] Butt tells me they are SUPERgood. Oh! And grats to Angie for getting into SBC! :D