Okay, I think I’ll only be updating every few days or so? Then again, maybe not.
MONDAYCombined Chapel was in the hall, and I almost fell asleep when Miss Kon talked about the President’s Challenge and all the fund-raising events :S I dislike combined chapel with practically the entire school :/
Anyway, I was
second to present [by random order] for the HCL Oral. At first I couldn’t find my script, and it got me
sooooo worried! Like, gosh. Thank goodness, I found it in my diary. I couldn’t speak properly, and Anna kept making funny faces at me :S Haha! :D I think I was okay, I suppose. Could answer the questions Tiffy asked me, so I was fine? Phew.
During LA we were supposed to complete this Compre. And since I was listening to Deb while she dramatized, I didn’t spend the time to complete it :( In the end, we were
supposed to hand it in at the end of the lesson, and I didn’t finish the Summary. So Mrs Ng scolded the lot of us :( She lectured till it cut into half of our recess, so I didn’t go down and finished the Compre instead.
Physics, Math, Bio, Geog. I’m going for some weird Science Conference this Saturday for Bio. At the Singapore Poly (?) I can’t remember. Anyway, we were in the Lab 2.2 doing Geog, then Mrs Tang let the people who needed to go for LA Oral out early! :D
YAY. Thanks Mrs Tang. Went down to eat with Maddy, Sherri, Chris, Sam, Sarah and Roxanne! :D Then we went to the AVA at about 2.30.
I was the first to present.
GAH. I was quite nervous, and I forgot so many of my lines I needed so much prompting :( I hope I get a decent score for it :S
I didn’t have time to practice for Flute Lesson. So Lao Shi was quite displeased again :(
TUESDAYI rained so heavily in the morning. Anna and a few people were airing their feet xD For Philo, we watched The Island, which was a
super freaky show with quite a lot of gore. I’m quite a visual person, so I didn’t really want to watch the parts where they cut up people and take out brains.
“So you still think there’s an Island?”
Lao Shi didn’t come for HCL! Like, what?! So it was free period :D Math, Recess. M&D was fun, we did some clapping rhythm thing.
It was History today, not Geog. I didn’t bring my TB :(
During LA Mhwang, Grace and I were discussing our Formal Letters. Then somehow, we ended up talking about flapping while having diarrhoea and all the weird stuff. I love my pink bottle, heh.
Thanks Butt for the bottle :D
I can’t believe it.
This week:Monday – LA Oral, HCL Oral
Today – Aural Piano Practice, Piano Lesson Tomorrow – Physics Test, Practise for Flute Exam with Jan, Training Thursday – MEP class performance thing,
LAST Flute Lesson before exam
Friday –
Flute Exam :S
Saturday – Science Conference
This week was full of impending doom. How I got through the first two days alive, I don’t know.
Next week:History Test, Bio Test
Following week:MEP Performance! :( I haven’t chosen a piece yet.
Haha, David is such a joke.
Monday, 10 September 2007
I'm going to
flunk my HCL and LA Oral. And my Flute Exam too.
Fruitolympics was fun. Cabbed to Clementi Stadium with my sister, Jia An and his friend Shaun. And the taxi driver dropped us at the wrong place :/ And so we had to walk in. When we got there, no one except the Cross Trainers were there :/ So I waited till Nat and everyone else came.
The games were fun? I think.
First station was pass-the-coconut-while-lying-down. And Nat's AYSGL knocked her lip, and it bled :( So she went off for awhile and this girl called Jolene (sp?) joined our group. Then we did the fling-the-orange-thing-as-far-as-possible station. Which was really stupid, cos we kept releasing wrongly, and it flew backwards. Hahaha xD
The Sink or Float station was by Carolyn and Annie. And since the guys lost, they had to do a forfeit. Which was sticking their entire heads/bodies/arms into the tank to get the fruits out from the bottom of the fish tank. It was gross, cos the water was gross. [It had things floating about] :S
ABC/XYZ Drinks Station was okay (?) We had to drink a mixture of 6 fruits and vegetables and find out which fruit/vegetable they put in there. Ours had bittergourd :( But it was still drinkable?
Touch Pumpkin was quite fun. We drew with the guys. Not bad considering we are an all girls team. Haha :D We won the guys in Tug-of-war too :D Heh.
I joined the Banana Relay thing. Cos Nat wanted to join. But in the end, I had to join another group cos hers had 3 guys already, and the other team was short of a girl :( So I started 1st. Which wasn't fun. I was on the 3rd lane, and it
seemed far away from the rest who were in front :S But anyway, my group came in 2nd. The Cross Trainers won.
Lunch was at home. My Dad took 40 min to find the Clementi Stadium to pick my sister and I up :/ Like, what?! Gosh. And when he finally came, we were almost dying of hunger. Haha. Went home for lunch. Then napped, cos I was tired. And I was burnt :( But at least I got my tan back for now.
Went to church again, for 5pm service. We usually play as a family. And there were two other flautists there today :) So I played the accompaniment :D Which was quite fun. I should do that more often :D
For dinner we ate the very nice Meatball Noodles! :D At Bedok, Blk 84/85 or something like that :D
Mom: We should eat a very quick and simple meal today.
Us: Aw.
& In the end, my Mom and Godmom ended up buying
lots of things xD Like Satay, Chicken Wings :D, Satay Beehoon, Oh Luah (sp?) and Meatball Noodles. And we wanted to buy Popiah too, just that the stall wasn't open. Haha, my Mom is so hilarious. Simple dinner, indeed :D
After dinner we went to my Godmom's house to do work and collect the stuff I forgot in her office.
I'm seriously going to flunk all my Oral Exams. I'm not sure how to act like Emily, I'm not sure if I'll forget the words, I'm not sure I'll be able to keep a straight face. I don't know what questions she'll ask, I don't know what to do if she really asks a question and okay, I'd better stop confusing myself and sounding so
paranoid :S
But seriously, for HCL, I don't think I'm prepared. I don't know if what I've done is what
Lao Shi wants. And I'm afraid I won't be able to answer the Q&A Session part. And I'm afraid I won't know
what to ask for the Q&A Session.
ARGH.I feel impending doom.
I'd better go sleep. It's already the start of today :S
Wake up call
Saturday, 8 September 2007
killing my sleeping habits. Been sleeping later and later each day! First it was 1. Then on Wednesday, I slept at 1:30. Then Thursday at 2. And yeah, yesterday at 2:30 :S I can't sleep for no reason.
Today's the big day:
LACross Text Assignment
Diary Entry
EOEH Oral Prep
HCLType out 2nd Draft
Gong Han Essay
Oral Prep
MEPListening Journal 4
Piano Practical
Flute Exam
Not as UrgentSS Poster
Philo Essay
LA Oral & HCL Oral day is on this
Monday. Which is
two days from now :S How frightening. Flute Exam is on Friday! :S And the Piano Practical is coming in 2/3 weeks. And to tell you the truth, I haven't chosen a piece, and I have no available one [I'm at the start of learning a new piece] and thus, I think I'll be failing :/
I probably will have to go off on a long
Practise and mug like mad. So that I can at least churn out some results. And survive.
Anyway, today I went to trim my hair. And yeah, it's shorter but it's supposed to be cut cos it's supposed to
grow in shape (?). So yeah. And after that we went to eat at Botak Jones :D And the portions are huge. I ate the Cheeseburger and Spicy Fries Set thing, and shared some of my Mom's Fish and Chips. Both were nice. We should try the Chicken one next time? :D Heh.
I feel like drinking a can of F&N Grape.
Exams are drawing closer. I'd better go off and do something about my procrastination.
Argh, kill me :/
Obedience is faith in action.He answered and said, "I will not," but afterward he regretted it and went.
O help us, Lord, to heed Your Word,Its precepts to obey;And give us strength to quench the urgeTo do things our own way-- SperNext time you are tempted to shirk your duties, why not say, "I don't feel like it," and then ask God for the grace to do it anyway.
Yeah, I should totally follow this advice.
I swear, today at the MEP Concert, everyone was so
pretty! :D
Morning, I did my LA Timeline! :D Whoots. But I still have lots to do, and the only day left: Saturday. Which is actually today. [It's already 1:10 when I'm blogging :S] And I've gotta finish all my work by "today". Cos on Sunday there's Fruitolympics. Heh.
Manda and I took the bus to Serene Center at 12. Then Manda bought a drink and we sat outside Macs and WAITED for the two dear taitais to arrive :P Deb came first, then Mich. We got a seat in Macs, ate lunch and started annotating. Then we shifted to Island Creamery, which we had lots of tasty ice cream :D I had two scoops, Reverse-O and Cookies and Cream. Deb & Manda ate Nutella and Cookies and Cream, and Mich threw away her first scoop of Blackforest (?) cos there was alcohol in it xD
It was so funny. All the discussion about Mich's sauce looking like shizz, Mich playing Sherri's RSE role temporarily since Sherri wasn't able to come :D
Mhwang, "Let's discuss more sexual innuendo's!"
Haha, Hwang you are the love :D + All that about "buying toilets" and whatnot. Haha. Yes, I remember its Mercutio, and not Mecrutio.
We completed 2 scenes, about 3 hours of annotating! How splendid. Heh. And we did the extra part for nothing. Cos I'm quite sure Mrs Ng won't test anything on Mercutio and his long speech about Queen Mab. It's rubbish.
Anyway, after that Manda, Hwang, Deb and I cabbed to Deb's house. And then we slacked all the way. Hwang found a Sherri no. 2, just that he's not female. Heh. When Manda and Hwang left, Deb and I ate dinner, changed for MEP.
I don't think I'll ever wear this pair of shoes again. It is so super tight, my feet can't breathe. Not that my feet need to breathe, but yeah.
MEP Concert was quite okay. Like most concerts? Except this one was extra long. No, actually it ended earlier than usual. Then the conductor gave 2 super long encores. Like WHAT?! Actually I wouldn't have minded, but it was getting late for Haagen Daaz? And I have to get home by 10 x/?
But in the end, after the concert, we went to Mrs Fields instead. Cos Haagen Daaz was filled?
And Gabriel and his really adorable sister came to visit :D His sister is so cute! Haha. She wanted to take pictures of Chris and Sherri. Hahahhaha! :D
Cherry and Roxanne left early, followed by Chris. Then I left with Sherri, and she gave me a lift :D Thanks Sherri! & thanks Roxanne who stayed for Mrs Fields just because she thought I might feel extra? Hahaha. & Chris and Sherri for being so hilarious.
Don't buy the sandwiches there, though I bought two packs. It isn't worth it, but the only one thing it does is fill your stomachs. But it is too expensive for something that doesn't taste fantastic.
Christel, [Gabriel's fantastically cute and friendly sister] took this for us :D
I love Roxanne, doesn't she look so hot here? :D

Sherri & Chris! Aw, don't cover your faces! xD
Group Photo:
Thanks to all who supported Roxanne and Sherri in this worthy cause :D
After we left Mrs Fields, Deb oh-so-smartly dropped her handphone in the bin! :/ So I had to stick my hand in to take it out. It was so gross, and I'm never going to do that ever again! :S
Sherri's parents sent me home. And we were talking about the Study Group, and Hwang being RSE 2 for the moment. And her Mom said that we shouldn't be looking at R&J in the way we interpret it x/ Heh. Or at least how Sherri interprets it. Sherri's brother is hilarious, no, actually they both are. They smack each other's heads, listening out if there's anything in there or not. Sherri claims her brother's head is hollow, or rather full of air. Hahaha! Sisterly and brotherly love :))
Thanks again to all :D Love you guys! :D
Oh, and I'm going to trim my hair tomorrow? Hahaha xD
I can't stand it when you look at us that way.
Friday, 7 September 2007
Today was so
I'll update later on when people start sending in pictures :D
Oh, well I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old;
I said these places and these faces are getting old,So I'm going home.
It took you long
Let's see what's left:
1. Make notes, revise
Math Specimen Paper 4,5 Part 1 & 23.
Mail Deb scanned in Math TB4.
Geography Project5. SS Poster [Group Project]
6. Philosophy Essay
7. LA Cross Text Assignment
LA Timeline9. LA Diary Entry
10. LA Oral [Select tract from Emily]
Email Lao Shi12. Chinese 2nd Draft
13. Prepare for Chinese Oral [Research etc]
Physics WB Chp 915. MEP Listening Journal 4
16. Practise for Flute Exam [14th Sept]
You're not livin' till you're livin'Livin' with meYou're not winnin' till you're winnin'Winnin' meYou're not gettin' till you're gettin'Gettin' to meYou're not livin' till you're livin'Livin' for me___
It's 10:39. In about 21 minutes, I'm off :D
To see Mhwang, Manda and Dweeb at Island Creamery! :D :D :D
Butt, I missed you. And my sister's crashing out after her Shanghai trip. She seems 50% dead. And really stone.
Grandma: 你为什么没有在飞机上吃?
Why didn't you eat on the plane?Sister: 我在睡觉.
I was sleeping. [In a Mai Dou kind of impression xD]STONE.___
Harvey the Wonder HamsterBy request xD
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Wow! This is my
101th post :D
Today was extremely tiring. Morning I had tuition, then went to eat at TP for lunch with Mom, sister and Godmom. Then my sister, Godmom and I went to Tampines Mall to get medicine for my Grandma cos she fell :( And we watched Ratatouille there :D It's a really nice show,
everyone should go and watch :D
After that we walked about, and bought nice necklaces :D Heh. Bought a present for Butt [It's her birthday soon, and I got
something for her to go along with the Thong,
HAH] and bought some 3/4 pants and we snacked lots :S Like nachos, popcorn, Tako Pachi bacon and cheese balls and Passion Fruit Bubble Tea. We wanted to eat peanut pancakes too. But we were too full?
Went for dinner with Aunty Elizabeth, Godmom and sister at the hawker center opposite TP. The
wanton mee was nice :D Then we went back to TP for some Geog tuition (?) [It's only a one session thing] with Aunty Elizabeth. She just made me write an essay, and said I was fine? Haha. Then we finished up the rest of the Dark Chocolate Gelazia :D
Mom came to fetch us very late. At about 10. I left the things we bought behind in my Godmom's office :/ How annoying. Well, anyway.
CAN'T wait. Deb's fetching me to Serene Center :) Thanks, cos if I take the bus I'll be easily lost. Heh. Then we are going to have study group :D And eat lots of ice cream, heh. Then there's MEP concert, where
EVERYONE has to turn up in
DRESSES! Roxanne and Sherri are coming in dresses too! :D So exciting! Haha. But Bea isn't? :( Oh well. We'll take lots of pictures of them, so you can see what they look like. Heh.
Well, it's 11:59 now. Better catch some rest :)
... We'll throw fries at her
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Since I was stuck at some questions in the Physics WB, and Weiyang seemed to know how to do Physics reasonably well, [and his mother is a Physics Teacher], I asked him how to do the Christmas tree question:
3b) [It's some fill in the circuit thing]

Ahha. So now you know who to ask when you need help for Physics xD
I changed my blogskin again :D
Going to get my sister from the Airport later :) She's finally back from Shanghai. She'd better buy me a present. Haha xD
Let me light up the sky
1. Make notes, revise
2. Math Specimen Paper 4,5 Part 1 & 2
Mail Deb scanned in Math TB4.
Geography Project5. SS Poster [Group Project]
6. Philosophy Essay
7. LA Cross Text Assignment
8. LA Timeline
9. LA Diary Entry
10. LA Oral [Select tract from Emily]
Email Lao Shi12. Chinese 2nd Draft
13. Prepare for Chinese Oral [Research etc]
Physics WB Chp 915. MEP Listening Journal 4
16. Practise for Flute Exam [14th Sept]
Lots of things to do. But so little time? :S
Always look on the bright side of life
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Ha-ha, It's laundry day!Travelling to MSM [for Piano Lessons] bring disasters. Last week, the bus was so filled, that when the door closed, it closed my right foot in too :( And this time, I brought home a caterpillar home with me. Ew.
Today I woke up at 9+ :D Which is considered quite early? Well. Then I spent the most of the morning practising flute, and going to the gym for awhile before lunch.
During flute lesson, I was skinned :(
"Scales definitely fail. How exactly do you practise? You've been practising wrongly all along!"
Oh well. So I have to work extra hard this holiday? There's no time. This holiday isn't even a holiday. Truckloads of homework, plus revision [I need to write notes] and
LOTS of practise for flute. If not I'll definitely fail?
I really have not much time to do anything. So, I'm not going online tomorrow, since the Softball Bubbletea thing is cancelled. Or rather, postponed. Till after exams?
I'M NOT STRESSED.Baby look at me go, from zero to hero;http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/happenings/story/0,4136,140711,00.html
I don't care what you might think about me
You'll get by without me if you want
Well,I could be the one to take you home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down
But sugar don't forgetin' what you already know
That I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for anotherYou might regret what you let slip away
Monday, 3 September 2007
Clare Yes I'm sure, deep down inside says:
ok haha let's do waterClare Yes I'm sure, deep down inside says:
everyone who wants to do water Clare Yes I'm sure, deep down inside says:
SAY I!Clare Yes I'm sure, deep down inside says:
i ♥ Cos you can't stop the beat says:
I√ç≈ Name's Axel. Got it memorised? - Tall, dark and Ansem... BYD '07-MIB! √ç≈ says:
IIIIII!Clare Yes I'm sure, deep down inside says:
LOL√ç≈ Name's Axel. Got it memorised? - Tall, dark and Ansem... BYD '07-MIB! √ç≈ says:
lols. grace is outvoted√ç≈ Name's Axel. Got it memorised? - Tall, dark and Ansem... BYD '07-MIB! √ç≈ says:
grace: "zzzzz" ♥ Cos you can't stop the beat says:
hahah! ♥ Cos you can't stop the beat says:
MIA√ç≈ Name's Axel. Got it memorised? - Tall, dark and Ansem... BYD '07-MIB! √ç≈ says:
SIA ♥ Cos you can't stop the beat says:
HAHA- Discussion on Geog Project
Minamata disease (水俣病, Minamata-byō?), sometimes referred to as Chisso-Minamata disease (窒素水俣病, Chisso-Minamata-byō?), is a neurological syndrome caused by severe mercury poisoning.
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Thank you for the memories2T
The Oh-So-Awesome Class
The Team:

Me, Clare, Roxanne, Maddy
MaddyThe Mobster
ClareThe Assasin
RoxanneThe Shuai Ge
The Gentleman (?)
The Teacher's Bodyguards

Top, From Left: Roxanne, Clare, Grace, Me
Bottom, From Left: Mrs Gan, Mrs Ng
Me shooting poor Christine. Heh.
There's more.
My wife! xD
I love you, Hwang.

Maddy: My DP and title match!
Jess: Except the tall part
Maddy: -_-

Roxanne's and my DP matches! Heh. So cool :D
Btw, we are in the newspaper! [As seen beside Roxanne & my convo in the picture]. Yay. So awesome! Haha. Buy the newpaper! :D Go to the 2T blog for more details.
Buy the October Shape magazine, Clare's in there :D
She should just get the hint and stay with it
For some reason, I can't upload any pictures from the file Sherri gave me :/
But here's one of my dear MIB Family :D
Top, From Left: Chris, Maddy, Hwang!, me, Anna, Clare!, Mchan, Roxanne!, Sherri
Bottom, From Left: Bea & Grace!
I love 2T!
I woke up at 8.15. Then I slept again till 10.25. I think I should start on Math, and all that. Oh! And flute! :/ I detest scales! :(
Anyway, my younger cousin is coming later :( Yes, it's Kenneth. And he's going to annoy me, asking me to upload some weird thing for Maple. Something about Cash Cards. And I don't know how, and I don't want to upload whatever. So annoying. And he KEEPS TALKING. Talking non stop. Sigh. But I still have to baby-sit him xS Well.
Oh, Chris just told me we are on the Newpaper. Someone scan it in! :D
I don't subscribe to the Newpaper :(
Here we go again